Dear Jocie,
The reason why (dump) I keep expelling you (dump) off of my lap, is because (dump) you won't just sit in my lap. (dump) (dump).
You may sit in my lap, if you will just sit there. Your predecessor Abby was an expert of just sitting.
Instead, (dump) you wiggle, and wiggle some more. You hea(dump)d bump me, try to crawl (dump) in my arms (dump) , head butt and wi(dump)ggle some (dump) (dump) more.
Why must you (dump) insist on being (dump) cradled like a (dump) baby?
The one who (dump) is trying to (dump)
I give up.
*Denotes the number of times I've dumped her off my lap while trying (dump) to complete this post

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