Saturday, January 16, 2010

From Twitter 01-15-2010

is waiting for David to get off work so the packing can continue.
is listening to@ifitrocks aka @Allen Handelman on 101.1 fm
Anyone who sees my chat window open, I've been chatting via phone, but getting ready to drive now. Won't be responding for a while.
Instead of packing, I'm dealing w/ a flooded basement. Oh, joy! I have wet cold feet, a flooded kitchen, and a washer that was the culprit
Anyone want to come wading with me.
Oh, yeah. Because one of the leaks is over the furnice, we've shut it off at the fuse box.
And did o mention that I'm having to duck under wires and stomp over fallen drywall?
And watch out for tree limbs and Wade through leaves as we move things from one basement into another? A lot of this stuff isn't even ours.

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