Tuesday, December 15, 2009

From Twitter 12-14-2009

What hAppened to Chuck and Larry and why is Inxependence Day on? Though I don't mind Will Smith at all.
Just turned my ankle and landed on my knees and wrists at the bowling alley. Joy!
Despite my fall, I got 2 strikes in a row
Bowling game 1: Kerry 89(-5), Wynn 75(-26), Marian 202(+48). Won. Maybe I need to fall off the approach more often.
That hurt: Kerry & Wynn both guttered in both frames of the 8th frame. And I missed the 10 pin.
Bowling game 2: Kerry 56(-28), Wynn 104(+3), Marian 148(-6), lost
Going into the third game, we are down by 10 for total pins.
@TheWilson77 sorry ! I was trying to see how much random weirdness iTunes would pull
My tumble has caught up with me after all. I was bowling better when it still hurt.
Bowling game 3: Kerry: 71(-13), Wynn 105(+4), Marian 125(-29), lost. Only took 1 point
I am bringing cupcakes to work tomorrow.
Heads up!! Lot of blue lights out on the roads tonight if anyone is travelling the roads.
What should I do? Work on Christmas cards? Play WoW? Play facebook games? hmmmm
Time to go fond my fuzzy slipper socks to warm up my feet! regular socks are not keeping my feet warm!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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