Aggie Mixers league tonight
Dude!?!? Srsly?!?!?Plaid Bermuda shorts and argyle socks AND they might both be green but the shades totally clash!
Nice hearing a bunch of guys cheer u on when u pick up a difficult split
I use to know how to bowl. Where did that person go?
Never thought I would say this, but Britney helped me thru 2 frames. She didn't hit me one more time in the 3rd. Won't give up on her yet.
Now she's let me down on 2 consecutive frames. I'm moving on to Beck.. Loser just earned me a strike.
Loser at least helped me finish strong
Dude!?!? Srsly?!?!?Plaid Bermuda shorts and argyle socks AND they might both be green but the shades totally clash!
Nice hearing a bunch of guys cheer u on when u pick up a difficult split
I use to know how to bowl. Where did that person go?
Never thought I would say this, but Britney helped me thru 2 frames. She didn't hit me one more time in the 3rd. Won't give up on her yet.
Now she's let me down on 2 consecutive frames. I'm moving on to Beck.. Loser just earned me a strike.
Loser at least helped me finish strong
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