Saturday, August 27, 2005


bigboy, originally uploaded by pixeltickler.

1. Ladder cat, 2. Sunflower, 3. My big footprint, 4. Gear, 5. Old License plates, 6. Dune, 7. Early morning, 8. Bog Garden Duck, 9. Bog Garden Walkway, 10. Linville Falls, 11. Koosh ball, 12. Elmo, 13. Ice coated camelia, 14. jocie_sun, 15. joy, 16. Meerkat, 17. polar bear on ice, 18. Chimp, 19. Laughing meerkat, 20. Dozing bear, 21. lizard", 22. Smiling polar bear, 23. Wingspan, 24. Foggy Day, 25. Pu-wease, 26. Jailbird, 27. Rhody, 28. Water wheel, 29. Pour, 30. Charleston fountain

Friday, August 26, 2005

Me (jealous pout), my mom, and the usurper of all the attention I had previously been used to circa 1972.

Below: One of my favorite photos.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


fountain3, originally uploaded by pixeltickler.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Elmo luvs his David

, originally uploaded by pixeltickler.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


sittinintree, originally uploaded by pixeltickler.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


lukeslp072105, originally uploaded by pixeltickler.

Taken with my cameraphone then edited in PSP